
Audrey Leon and her husband Joe were married in 2000 and have had the privilege of raising their two daughters here in the Killeen area. Living in Central Texas for over 20 years has shown both Audrey and Joe that there is a definite need for Godly outreach where the local community can see Christ's love extended through His church. Several years ago, God allowed the Leon family to carry out that love on a mission to the Guatemalan jungle, serving indigenous tribes and showing His love beyond the US borders. As beneficial as that outreach mission was for God's kingdom, Audrey understands that people need to see the hands and feet of Christ move even within her own community. She understands that each person is valuable since Christ’s blood was drained out as the propitiation for their sin. She desires to show them His love and goodness just as she was shown it after being adopted by a Pastor and his wife late in her adolescent years. It was through that family who chose to call Audrey their own, that really left her with an understanding of what God's love looks like and how He too desires to adopt the lost and hurting into His family, giving them the title of His sons and daughters.

Audrey’s hope for The Journey:

Her hope is that the church community understands and continuously puts into practice through outreach and service the unity described in John 17:23; resulting in our surrounding community being able to plainly see that Jesus was sent from the Father. Furthermore, allowing them to experience and know His love for themselves, and know there is a place for them in the body.

“I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” John 17:23

Audrey Leon (Outreach Director)